Copying data securely from A to B is normally not witchcraft, but for many companies with very complex requirements it is still a real challenge.
Do you ever have to copy several petabytes of data?
Over a geographically long distance?
Across three different storage systems?
And taking into account the reliability of not losing a byte even in the event of short-term connection problems?
Ensuring the recovery of data via a path that is as convenient as it is reliable?
Keeping the data safe for decades in some cases?
For many companies, this is a real challenge for the future.
This was also the case for our last project client.
Until now, our customer, a well-known German automotive supplier, has stored the data volumes accumulating in daily production on an EMC Isilon storage. A single file can reach a size of 500 GB. At regular intervals, the data was transferred to tape systems for backup and long-term archiving.
The emerging data volume was growing steadily. The capacities of the EMC Isilon Storage were no longer sufficient. The retrieval cycle was shortened and the amount of tapes increased. At last count there were several thousand tapes. The space for secure storage became scarce.
Our customer was thus faced with the decision to expand the existing storage and warehouse capacities or to implement a future-proof and flexible solution.
Together with our premium partner Atempo, we developed a perfectly customised solution that exceeds the requirements set.
Our solution: A new 3-tier backup and archiving system.
It transfers several petabytes of data from the client’s globally distributed sites securely and consistently across locations and countries. The solution enables fast restores, ensures cost-efficient archiving for decades and flexibly adapts to the company’s growth.
Instead of continuing to rely on outdated tape solutions, our hybrid backup and archiving solution convinces by reliably transferring data to a central Ceph storage in a secure data centre at up to 3,000 GB per hour.
The data is transferred from Ceph storage to a cloud archive. In this way, we guarantee our customer extremely favourable long-term archiving for decades.
Why did we choose this creative solution? By using Ceph storage, our client saves time and money on restoring. With the downstream cloud archive, he in turn saves money on storage. A perfect combination.
The entire management of the data transfer and, if necessary, the recovery of the customer’s data is ensured by the enterprise migration software “Miria” from our premium partner Atempo.
Our customer is happy about the maximum flexibility of this future-proof IT solution. With weSystems and Atempo he has two strong and competent partners at his side.
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