DAOS (Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage) is the latest and most powerful storage technology for high performance computing applications and a real competitive advantage. The development is led by Intel®. The official IO500 benchmarks already show that DAOS surpasses everything known so far. According to specialists, however, it is already clear today that further tests and results will perform even far better than the previous statistics show due to the technology development. “Exponential data growth, the convergence of workloads such as AI and system upgrades in response to these changes are overwhelming traditional approaches to decoupled storage. DAOS overcomes the limitations of traditional block I/O and operating system-based storage. It leverages innovative capabilities […] to provide high-bandwidth, low-latency read and write performance to HPC memory systems,” according to the Intel® statement.
weSystems’ partner croit has been a recognised specialist in high performance storage systems for many years and has worked with Intel® on this technology. weSystems and croit have already worked together on initial tests for a specific use case. Our customer has special requirements for a storage system. It must be able to process many and fast memory accesses (I/O) in a very short time. The required performance was originally promised to the customer by his storage manufacturer. However, the manufacturer only used standard technologies, so that the big “wow” effect was missing. After the installation and some tests, which the customer carried out together with his storage provider, a performance was achieved that just barely met the requirements at the time. The result was not really satisfactory, he says. Our customer invested not only a lot of money but also a lot of his own time to come to the conclusion that obviously no better performance could be achieved.
So our focus was to exceed the customer’s requirements and outshine their previous storage technology. We first set up a test scenario with a Ceph cluster. Right from the start, we achieved better performance with this. The Ceph technology was therefore already a considerable gain, but it persuaded us and the customer to carry out further tests with the latest high-performance storage technology DAOS from Intel®. True to the motto “the better is the enemy of the good”, we wanted to present our customer with a storage system that would not only meet his requirements now but also in the future and justify his investment in the long term. The tests initially carried out in the Intel® lab with the customer’s script revealed an enormous performance gain, as expected. Our assumption that DAOS is the better choice here was confirmed. As a final step, we have now set up a real test environment in our data centre in Berlin. For the proof of concept (PoC), we also chose the most powerful hardware. With this final test, we want to confirm the results from the lab. As soon as they are available, we will publish them here in another blog and compare them to the previous performance.
Networks in data centres offer higher bandwidths and allow extreme transfer speeds. Conventional storage systems are becoming more and more of a bottleneck and are even slowing you and your company down unnecessarily. If you run applications or have workloads that require very high IO performance in storage, Intel® DAOS is exactly the right choice. In addition, you have a system that scales completely and also covers future requirements.
Advantages of Intel®DAOS Technology
Extremely low latencies (40 µs or less)
Extremely high I/O performance
Extremely high possible bandwidth
Highly available and redundant
Scalable from less than 100TB to many PBs
You want to know whether the performance of your currently operated storage system can be improved? We will be happy to inspire you.
Simply contact us by e-mail at sales@wesystems.ag so that we can arrange an appointment with you and our specialists as soon as possible.